all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 2AA 32 0 51.871752 0.166372
CM23 2AB 29 0 51.872906 0.166224
CM23 2AD 15 0 51.873921 0.166302
CM23 2AE 24 0 51.874985 0.167617
CM23 2AG 21 0 51.874167 0.167578
CM23 2AH 11 0 51.875413 0.167304
CM23 2AJ 40 0 51.875368 0.168783
CM23 2AL 11 0 51.875484 0.169806
CM23 2AP 20 0 51.87851 0.170518
CM23 2AR 25 0 51.878598 0.171583
CM23 2AS 16 0 51.876631 0.171459
CM23 2AT 18 0 51.876446 0.170796
CM23 2AU 19 0 51.876212 0.168853
CM23 2AY 20 0 51.871448 0.165297
CM23 2AZ 40 0 51.870849 0.166125
CM23 2BA 1 1 51.872978 0.159865
CM23 2BB 5 0 51.877834 0.16033
CM23 2BG 32 0 51.876866 0.168943
CM23 2BH 34 0 51.87804 0.167227
CM23 2BJ 29 0 51.879203 0.168561